Here's what came in the mail yesterday:

And here are the socks on my feet:

They even came with a fun notepad and paperweight. Amy included the extra yarn from the project and I've already got some idea of what I might do with it. I have this yarn I bought at the Bazaar Bazaar from Woolarina. I've been trying to figure out what kind of socks it wants to be and we may have a winner! I'm thinking I'll try another pair of plain stockinette, but with the fun coral-y color as the trim. I hope there's enough of the coral, but I'm thinking I'm going to try my hand at Kool-Aid dying anyway, so maybe I'll make some of my own if there's not enough.

The Woolarina yarn didn't photograph so well, but there is a little bit of the coral in it, so I think it'll be really nice together.
In other news . . . I went to Starbucks today for my morning coffee. Turns out they were out of coffee. Seriously? STARBUCKS? OUT OF COFFEE? I sh** you not. OK, so it only took about 5 minutes for them to finish brewing the new pot, but c'mon, your biggest product is coffee and you're going to let it run out? Something's just not right here. They are temporarily forgiven, but I'm keeping my on them.
Yesterday's title: J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" - I had to check wikipedia for the artist on that one.
Edited to add: If you are Amy and you are reading this, thanks for the socks! I tried to leave you a comment to let you know I get them, but I had a really hard time trying to get an MSN passport account. I will try again later.
So glad you liked them! I just realized I didn't give you my email address in the package!
I'm so relieved they fit you well. Even with your measurements, I had some paranoia that they wouldn't fit just right, without you here to try them on!, btw!
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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