These socks are for my college roommate, Lisa, who loves the song mentioned in this title. It might be the only song that she knows the real words to. Usually, she just makes up her own lyrics as she goes along (like the Beastie Boys classic "No Sleep Till Sunday," instead of "No Sleep Till Brooklyn"). There are other classics in Lisa's repertoire of invented lyrics, but that's all I can come up with for now. I hope she likes her dancing socks!

Pattern: Elfine Socks from Amelia Raitte (click on "Fashion for Free")
Needles: US 1
Yarn: Lorna's Laces in Periwinkle
Pattern Notes: I had a blast knitting these guys. They're just so delicate and sweet that I found myself wanting my own pair. The lace pattern is easy to follow but doesn't get repetitive, plus it has that nice in-between row where you just knit straight through - always a bonus. I tried this pattern once before and found it too hard, so maybe it's a little more on the intermediate side? It definately helps to knit it on circular needles. I think it would be way too confusing to try and break up the lace pattern to use dpns.
I tried to take a close up of the pattern, but here's the best I came up with:

Previous title: Guns n' Roses, "Patience" - a very favorite of mine
Beautiful socks! They'll make a wonderful gift.
lovely! great colour!
5 1/2 weeks til chanukah!
How pretty, Rachel! Isn't it nice to conquer a knitting pattern?
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